Nanded District
Nanded, Nanda, Cities, Eastern Maharashtra, Western India. It is located in the highlands on the banks of the Godavari River. The name of the city comes from the term Nanda Tat ("Nanda Frontier"), which refers to the frontier of Magadha in the 7th century BC. Refer to. Nanded was the birthplace of three Maratha poet saints, Vishnupant Shesa, Raghunath Shesa, and Vaman Pandit. The city is known as the center of learning Sanskrit. The Sikh Gurdwara (“Temple and Kitchen”) was built at the site of the assassination of Gurdwara in 1708. Is it
Famous for ?
Today, it is famous for the creation of the undisputed climax of the Gourdwarahazur Sahib. Here, the tenth Sikh guru, Guru Govind Shinji, breathed in the last breath and dedicated his life to the service of mankind.
The total area of the district is 10528km2.
There are eight subdivisions in the district.
There are about 88 villages in this area.
There are 4 cities in this area.
All District of Maharashtra
Ahmednagar District
Ahmed Nagar, the largest district in the city..
Akola District
The current Akora district was part of&nb..
Amravati District
The ancient name of Amravati is "Udumbravati",..